Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Energy monitor loan scheme
We only have 2 energy monitors left, available for households in Dorchester. These monitors are a great tool for taking practical steps towards saving money on utility bills and reducing carbon emissions.
Remember, your bills won’t go down unless you change the way you view energy usage. Just think of the money you could save.
The energy monitors are available to Dorchester participants who will be able to view their electricity use from a portable display, thereby helping to take steps to save energy, and money.
- All participating households will be offered a free home energy saving advice visit during the 6-month loan period by a volunteer with professional experience in the sustainable energy sector (note: it is not compulsory to have a home energy advice visit in order to participate in the scheme).
- At the end of the project there will be an opportunity for participating households to comment on the energy savings they have made and energy saving tips they believe are worth passing on to others.
- There will be a prize of a local food hamper worth £50 to the household judged to have made the greatest energy savings (including changes in behaviour, i.e. not only based on meter readings).
To take part in this free loan scheme of an electricity monitor for up to 6 months please contact: or by telephone to Sally Cooke on 01305 267758