Friday, August 16, 2013

July 21st – Community Choir concert

Viva, Dorchester Community Choir, directed by Kathie Prince, came to the farm to sing a concert – well, why not?  The music performed included a traditional Czech sheep calling song (deemed appropriate for a farm setting), a Scottish song sung while pounding tweed and an interactive African song.  Long rattly seed pods collected from Gambian trees were given out to the audience as percussion, as well as a rain making tube (which obviously worked, because some much needed rain fell that evening!).  The audience, numbering almost 50 people, was taught some catchy phrases in the language of the song, which they chanted while the choir sang their part.  We were joined in appreciation of the singing by the geese, who genuinely love music!  They came up close and by the way they stood quite still with their heads tilted on one side, it was clear they were as engaged by the music as the people were!  The afternoon was rounded off by tea and cake, and the opportunity for the new visitors to look around the farm.

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Kathie, the choir and the rainstick

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